Monday, September 17, 2007

Some Days ...

Some days, I just can't believe some of the things I find myself saying.

Or, I guess, how I find myself saying them and how unaware I am of how strange they sound until I do some self-conscious meta-reflection.

"So, what's going on today?" a colleague asks me.

"Oh, not much," I say. "Jesse Jackson showed me some pictures of a dead guy. And a guy stabbed his girlfriend with an ice pick. Not too much, really."

You want to know the scary thing?

His response.



Melissa said...

I hope that is an unusual day for you?

Jay said...

Just another day in the hood.

dan said...

the news sucks.

two police community safety officers let a ten year old boy drown because they weren't trained for saving people. how fucking ironically named is their job title?


dan said...


eric said...

i wish i could say it was abnormal, but that's kind of the way it leans more often than not.

that story is really messed up, dan. is it basically boiling down to labor union overkill? that sounds like something from orwell.