Sunday, September 23, 2007

Peace, Motherf#$&a!

I've noticed that when people are into peace, and they use their cars to express how much they're into peace, they're usually really, really into peace.

It's rare that I ever see a car with just one or two bumper stickers.

You know, a modest-sized, flowered peace symbol centered just above the rear-window brake light? Or a simple "What Would Jesus Bomb?" sticker on the bumper of a Prius?

No, if you're into peace, and you're really into peace, nothing less than a Peacemobile will do.

I did see a minivan the other day with one simple sticker: "GOD is NOT a REPUBLICAN ... or a Democrat."

That helps me lend a person some measure of credibility, knowing that a conversation isn't going to devolve into an eyes-glazed-over treatise on how communism actually won but the media covered it up.

But if you really want to enforce the one-car-length rule of road safety with me, get me behind a car with a bunch of peace stickers on it. It's not a roadside conversation I want to have while we wait for the jackbooted, fascist agents of pain to scribble down an incident report.

And if you want me to screech over to the shoulder, put on my hazard lights and beg 911 to send an ambulance to extract me from my truck and spirit me home ... put me behind a Patriotmobile.


Jay said...

I bet the owner of that truck is a real barrel of laughs. I would stay way away from that guy. Just like I stay way away from the ones that "God stuff" all over their cars. They're the ones that usually cut me off in traffic.

Melissa said...

I'm always afraid I'm going to rearend someone trying to read their bumper stickers. It amazes me how many can fit on a standard-sized car!

dan said...

"my other car is a pile of shit too" was my favourite bumper sticker.

Anonymous said...

"Envision whirlled peas" still my all time favorite bumper sticker.

Cindy-Lou said...

Yes, the hippies like stickers in place of paint jobs.

Tink said...

I hope they're at peace with the fact that they're NEVER going to be able to sell their car.

Anonymous said...

that's seriously fanatical - I bet there's a lot of guns in that car somewhere too.

I'm back in the game almost amigo - a month of hectic runaround tear up your life meet the parents sign the forms and get the fuck outta dodge - all done - will be writing again once settled on the shores of Gecko.