Friday, February 01, 2008

The Shirt They Give You Says Something About 'Life In The Fast Vein' ... YUCK!

I donated blood for the first time today.

I don't like it. I knew I wouldn't. It's why I never did it before. It's an experience that makes my skin literally crawl. I'm just glad they played the radio on the blood bus so my feet flapping all around looked like I was keeping a beat to the music and not trying to play every mental trick on myself just to let them keep that needle in my arm.

They wanted me to clutch and release some roll of gauze to actually pump the blood out.

That just ... F@CK!

But, from what I understand, each pint of blood can save up to three lives.

That's really a satisfying thing if you think about it.

You can write a check to a charity or help an old lady with her groceries, but to actually have a piece of your life literally run through someone else who desperately needs it ...

It's a pretty good way for a generally aloof member of society to within a matter of six ... no, 10 ... no, now it's 12 ... minutes connect with is fellow man in a grand yet intimate way.

And, I got to thinking:

They give you free pizza, cookies and sodas. All that you want. Then they give you a movie pass. Then a free T-shirt. Then they tell you you're a great person.

You can actually feed yourself, clothe yourself and entertain yourself -- all after feeling like you did something more than sit on your ass and complain about needles.

And, of course, the guy who stuck me told me the beers I normally drink on a Friday night would hit me harder.

I'm still waiting on that to pan out ...


dan said...

you get free pizza?

all we get is a cup of tea and two digestive biscuits.

first time i gave blood was on a saturday morning. nurse told my friend and me not to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes in the next 8 hours.

we went straight to the pub after and were sat there smoking and drinking when all the nurses came in after the donor session. how bad did that look?

Jay said...

Man, they really pile on the incentives around there.

I've only given blood once and I'm pretty sure they just threw it out anyway.

Rusty said...

"And, of course, the guy who stuck me told me the beers I normally drink on a Friday night would hit me harder.

I'm still waiting on that to pan out ..."

Nice touch. Apparently it takes some people a while to give blood. I had people ahead of me there for up to thirty minutes letting it pump out of them. It took me like 5. I wonder which of us was better off?

Nikky said...

Good for you, giving blood is very important!
I try to give often, as I was a recipient once, I feel like I need to give back.

but it IS kind of an ooogie feeling, I know. You're a trooper, I'm proud of you!
And COOL on the free gifts with donations loot! All I got last time was a glass of juice and a stale cookie!

eric said...

i don't know ... i think it was me not pumping it that maybe lasted longer.