Saturday, April 02, 2005

So, What's Your Sign?

The pear tree lilts with the wind.

Its clothes are on now, a suggestive robe of white petals.

Revealing, appealing; wooing so that it's life might perpetuate.

"So, yeah, anyway, what's your sign?"

Androgynous, it is both hiking its skirt and flexing its pectorals.

A saturating stench of springtime is invading the nose, clogging the pathways to living and breathing to sow life in futile ground.

It muddies the cool clearness of air that has no ambition.

Lilting with the wind, posing with bravado, imposing its erotic will.

"The money's on the table, baby. Buy yourself some Sudafed."


dan said...

That pollen is assaulting my sinusses right now.

eric said...

all of us, dan.

look at that picture. it's like a freaking erection. it even smells like jizz. seriously.

springtime is when everything is supposed to be all horny ... but damn i wish all those trees and flowers would tone down on the p.d.a.

my nose started bleeding uncontrollably sunday after three weeks of severe (and typical) sinus problems.

that's just NOT cool.

i'm always happy when spring gets its business done.


dan said...

It would seem sinus problems are much more common than I thought.

And no, bleeding noses are definitely not cool. And they always bleed at the most inappropriate times.

eric said...

i guess the point is ...

... spring is all about trees having sex with bees.

that's cool. just stay out of my goddamn nose!


dan said...

I think bees and trees were invented by chemists so they could make losts of money selling anti-histamine products.

Eric Lemming said...

well duh! most over the counter stuff like cold medicine is a scam in my opinion. They use psychology to make you think the pills make you feel better there by being cheap to mass produce and sell at high prices there by making a large profit. But peptobismol is good. I would drink that stuff by the gallon whether it works or not. My Kung Fu instructor said recently "Everybody loves spring because spring is change." In a way I guess thats a good way to look at it but what if everything is perfect the way it is! I would choose snow over insects any day of the week.

eric said...

i don't care for spring at all, eric-ness (interesting name you have there).

it's a very uncomfortable time of year. i like winter and hibernation. i like summer and the fullness of light and hanging out around the water. i like fall to watch the beautiful decline of it all (and college football!).

spring gives me headaches, makes me go on a diet and generally stinks of sex.


Eric Lemming said...

Yeah the name is sorta something Loki-ness do. You can kinda notice the pattern in the view of the pretendor blog except for prophet of life...shes so uncool....but yeah you can call me Lemming to. Its kinda funny how the smell of sex gives you a headache when actually having sex is said to cure one.

eric said...

smell of sex gives you a headache ... sex cures one ... but you can use a headache as an excuse not to have sex.

it all comes full circle.

depends on whether you want to have sex. for me ... not with trees.


Eric Lemming said...

Interesting point. Its like the circle of life and in a way it is. Yeah but you know that theres gotta be at least one website about having sex with trees. Freaking hippies....yeah another strange thought. If hippies dont belive in eating living things, arent vegetables technicaly living?

Rusty said...

Missing in action still? A shame it is.

Best Line: Androgynous, it is both hiking its skirt and flexing its pectorals.

Oh, and UNC won it all. Muhaha.

eric said...

rusty, unlike most gamecock fans, i don't have an inferiority complex about people thinking of unc whenever anyone says "carolina."

but i still rooted for illinois. ;)

let's look at this way ... the carolinas owned all rights to national championships, and including my hated rival clemson, we owned maryland.

eric-ness, interesting definition of life. i think it's generally a matter of consciousness ... thought when does that cut off.

ok, time to get off my ass and post something. sorry, i think this one's going to "blow."
