Sunday, November 04, 2007

"I Meant To Say, 'You're On Fire'''

I really get into being the coach of my son's co-ed basketball team.

I feel a deep sense of fulfillment when a second-grader or third-grader learns something new because he or she is hungry to be something. Just watching somebody care, at such a young age, makes me want to be a better person myself. And I can make them better than anything I could hope to actually become myself.

I well up with pride for children who aren't mine -- except for that one hour of practice when they kind of are mine, in a way.

But sometimes I think I let my enthusiasm usurp me:

Great job!

Exactly like I told you!

Jumping when you shoot! Your legs are as important as your arms!


And then this pearl of coaching wisdom ...

You've got a ring of Jesus fire surrounding you!

Somehow, I'm not sure the little girl has ever watched or would have ever been allowed to watch "Three Kings." Nor does she probably who Ice Cube is.

But it is a church league, so maybe the parents will give me a pass if the girl asks them what a "ring of Jesus fire" means and why her coach told her she had one.

Still, I wouldn't blame them if they kept a lookout for when I might bring in the live snakes to exorcise a shooting slump.


captain corky said...

I don't think you should play any of Ice Cube's music. I can't really explain it... call it a gut feeling.

Jay said...

At least you didn't go with the tired old "You're En Fuego!" or "They can't stop you, they can only hope to contain you!" lines.

"You've got a ring of Jesus fire surrounding you!" Is a pretty good line though. I'm surprised nobody on SportsCenter hasn't used it.

Rusty said...

When I read this, I let out a wheezy, crazy laugh that I did not know I was capable of producing; the kind of laugh I'd imagine a dehydrated weasel to make.


Katie said...

Hahaha. Great post ;)

eric said...

a dehydrated weasel?


Anonymous said...

Basketball? Rings of fire? First thing I thought of was NBA Jam.