Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Transformers Not Transforming, Slurpees Not Rocking

Usually you can count on two stalwarts of Americana to come through during summertime.

7-Eleven and Burger King.

They've always got the best summer movie tie-ins.

"Star Wars." "Spider-Man." "Superman."

Burger King handles the toys. 7-Eleven covers the awesome summer Slurpee cups.

This year, though, they've come up short.

While Burger King did a serviceable job with the "Spider-Man 3" toys (a Spider-Man that turns black in cold water was fun) and while they picked the right heart-of-summer movie in "Transformers" ...

The Transformers don't even transform. That about sums that up. What's the purpose of a Transformer that doesn't transform?

And the Slurpee cup. It's legendary. The big movies. The athletes. The entertainers. The cartoon characters.

But I have to say that while "The Simpsons" is an American icon, a "Simpsons" movie cup is underwhelming. "The Simpsons" isn't iconic, blow-your-face-off summer movie material. And the cup -- though it cleverly plays on the Kwik-E-Mart "Squishee" element used in the cartoon's caricatural stereotype -- is smaller than usual and just generally boring.

It's a shame.

7-Elevens are transforming themselves into Kwik-E-Marts. That's cool, I guess. At least they're transforming.


Beth said...

Slurpee cups? The only thing I notice at 7-11 are the coffee cups!

Katherine Zander said...

I went and saw the Harry Potter tonight.

It was in a googleplex, in a new mall with digital picture, amazing sound, and too-thin walls. Which means I heard quite a bit of Transformers playing on the adjacent screen.

Two movies for the price of one!

I still have my little blue transformer robot/F-16 I bought to reward myself for getting an A in Comparative Vertebrate Physiology. Damn cool toy.

eric said...

beth, you're totally missing out. but i guess we all have our individual addictions.

kz, you're thinking probably of thundercracker, which really wasn't much different than starscream or skywarp or any other jet transformers except that it was a different color and caused kids to buy more transformers.

those were cool. my son's still nagging me to go fish out my old transformers from storage.

Leslie Hawes said...

My son and I couldn't agree on the style of Matchbox cars to buy. I wanted the hot rod, rat rod type cars, and the 50 Chevy's. He wanted the cars with the giant blowers exploding out of the hood, jacked up in the back.
We both agreed on Transformers. I never saw him be more considerate of a mechanical process than when playing with those Transformers.

Katie said...

Mmmm Slurpee...I haven't had one of those in ages!!

Back in the day at 7-11s they used to give out real, honest to goodness glasses that tied in to the big summer flick of the time. My dad has the entire 1978 Superman glass collection from 7-11. Those are the best glasses ever.

Jay said...

7-11 slurpees are great. Their hot dogs will kill you though.

I can't believe the transformers don't transform. How stupid is that?

Nikky said...

Hi, I found you through a series of clicking on unknown blogroll names of blogs I read... I stopped here because my 2 sons (alex and ERIC) had this whole conversation about what a ripoff it was that the transformers do not transform!
Thanks for the laugh, I'll be back!

captain corky said...

It's been way too long since I've had a coke slurpees! Maybe I'll get one next time I'm in Jersey.

Anonymous said...

you can imagine the business meeting where they decided they don't transform due to the extra cost involved as well

"Well dooley, I think the kids love the robot and not so much the car"
"Uh-huh Chad - but it's kinda the point of the whole transformers thing"
"Well dooley - research says kids love robots more than cars - and we have costs dooley - so it's one or the other"
"Look chad I'm just saying that transformers... they transform... and..."
"Well Dooley how about you transform my ass"
"that makes no sense"
"Well Dooley, put it this way - we let you go and then we use your salary to make the robots can turn into the little cars OR the robots don't turn into cars and you keep your job - what's it gonna be?"
"I don't think $35000 is gonna cover it but..."
"Robots are fine"

Rick Rockhill said...

looking back, I can't believe how many of those things I used to collect. Amazing. I had some SWEET Spiderman glasses when I was a kid too.

Anonymous said...

You know what would be funny is if 7-11 did a slurpee cup tie-in to some sort of romantic comedy or chick flick. No wait! A documentary from some far-off foreign land. Now that would be cool.

dan said...

there's a weird tv advert at the moment where a citreon transforms and begins ice-skating.

ice-skating transformers?


Anonymous said...

I love the Citreon commercial, Dan.

C:\Documents and Settings\Leslie\My Documents\My Pictures\7_29 afternoon transformer.JPG

Thought this had a transformer theme going on here...