Monday, June 04, 2007

It Must Just Be The Special Seasoning, Honey

I must be honest. I wouldn't write about this unless I got the opportunity to use a particular pairing of words that I don't typically find occasion to use.

Even still, it's a valid point.

I don't understand why it happens, but it happens.

Maybe there's some subversive cultural thing here that I'm missing. Some wisdom the 12th Century fishermen of the tropical Micronesian shores imparted. Some crucial ingredient to brew the true elixir of life.

But I'm guessing it's just laziness.

Give me a million years and I doubt I'll ever figure out how a restaurant or anyone else thinks it's OK to serve me a meal that includes as a prominent feature an animal whose intestines remain so prominently intact.

I know about chitlins, a.k.a. "fried pig's ass."

I know about cow-brain sandwiches.

And chocolate-covered chicken balls. No, that one's not real. I'm just going there with it.

And I know that shrimp are basically insects of the sea.

But please.


De-vein your shrimp.

Or in other words, cut out the poop shoot.


Melissa said...


PEACE said...

Ooooooh, so THAT's what that black line is! I tried to convince myself that it was a shrimpy ligament or a string of seaweed. I guess you could think of it as a delicacy!

Tink said...

I agree! That completely grosses me out.

Jay said...

Oh gross. I can't stand it when a restaurant tries to pull that crap.

eric said...

i tried to convince myself that it was something else, too ... because it's just so damned frustrating to get that stuff out.

Rusty said...

Man... I never even thought of that. Freakin' gross.

Unknown said...

what's even grosser is that it's not always black. which means that the intestine has to be full of shrimp shit to be black.

i at least give credit to restaurants that try to remove it. you can always tell by the slit. even if they just TRY to remove it, i give them a pass. but it doesn't always fully separate.

dan said...

eric, you're full of shit, shrimp shit, most likely. ;-D

Cindy-Lou said...

Yet another reason I avoid so many kinds of food.

captain corky said...

I'll never eat a piece of shrimp again.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of wusses.