Monday, October 09, 2006

'I Am The Nina, The Pinta, The Santa Maria, The Noose And The Rapist, The Fields' Overseer, The Agents Of Orange, The Priests Of Hiroshima ...'

Over the past summer, I visited Chicago for the very first time.

So many things I'd never seen. I defined the city through my own perspective of how I see the world. Very different these Chicago people, but not nearly as interesting as me, because I was me and I was from somewhere else.

I was so taken by what I saw, I decided I should plant a South Carolina state flag in the Millennium Park Botanical Garden, fly back home and proclaim to everyone with ears to hear that I had discovered Chicago.

But I thought better of it.

First, come to find out, I had it all wrong.

I thought at first I had landed in Boise, Idaho. People were curious why I kept calling them "Idahoians," but I figured it must be because they were mindless savages who couldn't possibly be content without a discipleship to my religion, my culture, my economic worldview.

Then it really hit me. I came to realize that it comes across as at least mildly retarded to claim you discovered a place where people already lived and had been living for just about ever.

Too bad, though.

They would have closed banks, held amazingly insane car deals and taught children for centuries what a great guy I was for finding this great city -- because, hey, they'd never been there before, either.

Instead, I'll just wish you a Happy Day-To-Mindlessly-Give-Credit-Where-It-Really-Isn't-Due.


Jay said...

You mean Columbus didn't really "discover" America when he sailed the ocean blue in 1492? And there were alredy people here when Columbus got here?

I'm gonna have to have a talk with my jr. high history teacher!

Cindy-Lou said...

That's kind of like when I say I discovered Captain Morgan's Pirate Bay rum. Not exactly true, but that doesn't take anything away from my enjoyment.

Rusty said...

Pirate Bay is... girly.

Tink said...

While you're at it can I get credit for computers?

The money comes with that right?

P.S. If you really want to take credit for something that will give you God-status, claim vibrators. Ladies everywhere will resurrect temples in your honor.

Cindy-Lou said...

Hey Rusty, I'm a girl!

eric said...

ok, i've only got about an hour left before columbus day is over, so this is my last shot for another year ...

christopher columbus was an asshole. it should be called "asshole day." and on asshole day we all get a day off from assholes.

i like christopher columbus about as much as i like santa claus.


Kav said...

Christopher Columbus brought you such classic films as Mrs. Doubtfire, and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. I can't believe you don't like him

dan said...

who's this columbus character? never heard of him. sounds like a cloud formation, you know, like cumulonimbus...yeah, a cloud that's discovering skies.

hey, i think i remember your birthday is near so here's wishing you a happy returns for that day if i didn't miss it already. all the threes: thirty three. bingo.

there's place called chicago in london...well, not a place but a theatre that shows the play..close enough for me though.

eric said...

you're right, dan. coming soon. november 10 actually.

i've given up caring anymore, really.

duckie ... you're just trying to impress everybody that you know he was italian and not spanish.


Anonymous said...

Where did this picture of the three ships come from. I’d like a copy of it.