Friday, May 06, 2005

Pick Your Battles

This embattled convenience store has taken a curious approach to protecting the sanctity of its men's room.

In a zealous effort to ensure the bathroom key is never stolen, it might just have created a tool for a far more ambitious criminal task than busting open the French Tickler machine for $12.75 in quarters.

Can anyone say "Give me all the cash in the register or I'm gonna shove this sharp-ass, broken-off mop handle in your goddamn neck, bitch?"

Or maybe it's to help customers handle that whole blood-sucking vampire problem they've had recently.

Or is that the stake has to be wooden? It's been awhile since "Interview With The Vampire," let alone "The Lost Boys."

In any case, interesting strategy.


Cindy-Lou said...

The new currency in Screetus Readers Land. Well at least they don't have to worry about anyone accidentally sticking that in their pocket. You'd end up in the emergency room getting your testicles sewn back on.

dan said...

At least you have toilets in stores and it is certainly very novel to have a key on an object like that.

I could see that people into S&M might have a use for something like that. Scary.

eric said...

i don't know what my obsession is with bathrooms and how they look, what people do in there and why.

but i had just gotten back from a USC b-ball game and had the camera in my pocket. that shank was just too classic. if you happen to check back a few weeks on my "nonplussed" post, you'll see the trash can that was in that bathroom, the one with the marlboro man smoking a joint and 420 painted along with some gang symbols.


Rusty said...

We remember the Marlboro Man well.

Maybe the stick will help former athletes relive their glory days in the privacy of the can? Baseball players, runners passing the baton.

Let's just hope they don't want to reinact an old water polo match...

eric said...

water polo's more brutal than i ever thought before i saw the 04 olympics. i never thought guys in weenie bikinis could be so brutal.

you're right, keep the bathroom shank out of their hands.


Spo said...

Man I loved the lost boys

not literally