Saturday, December 17, 2011

It's A Plus When They Include Coupons

Old calendars are worth keeping.

Where exactly, I don't know - but wherever you keep things you go back to on some unsuspected day.

The advent of the smartphone takes away much of the scribbling on the calendar tacked to the wall, but what is there makes the $6.99 re-gift priceless.

Your life is chronicled in a unique way. It shows what you're going to do, not how it turned out. There's value in seeing your anticipation (or dread) of something that - one way or another - has to be on the calendar.

The beach vacation you have to schedule for. The doctor visit for the Big Test. The basketball games you play or coach.

There was a concert you were going to that day. How could you know it would be one of the best times of your life?

How could you know that The Nutcracker elementary school field trip would inspire your child as you were once inspired?
Sure, much of what imprints upon our souls are those events that seem to schedule themselves.

But still ... while it was on the calendar, you just didn't know how it was going to turn out.

I try to make each day meaningful. Or at least I wish they could be.

So often the days breeze by.

Yet another. Then another.

But when I look back, between the squares with the Sharpie markings in four different handwritings, I can begin to document how significant my life has been for a year. And how I never knew how it would unfold.

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