Sunday, September 17, 2006

Superior Air

Not long ago, I found a $1 bill -- folded together with shit caked in the middle -- in the trash can under my desk. People were intrigued.

I took it around and showed everyone. I analyzed the whole thing in excessive detail. Like, for instance, it wasn't dog shit. It was human shit. How do I know? I just know, because I'm an expert.

If somebody hates me, they did the wrong thing to get under my skin. If somebody thought I might think it's funny, they were right. If somebody just felt the random urge to wipe with a $1 bill and throw it in the first random trash can, they might need some help.

I have a strange obsession with potty humor. I freely admit it.

I've crapped my pants and worn an adult diaper and told everybody I possibly could about it.

My oldest son, when he was about 3, once passed gas and said, "I blew smoke out my poo-poo way." He said it in all seriousness and had no idea how indelibly that phrase would stick with me.

Still, there's something I can't quite figure out.

There's something out of place. Something at my workplace.

When I go to the restroom, I don't like people to know I'm going to take a dump.

Actually, not just people in general, but certain people. And I can't exactly explain who those people are. I might walk in and see someone and say to myself, "Oh, I don't care if he knows I'm about to stock the pond," but, usually, it's just not cool with me.

I won't make a big show of having a newspaper in my hand if someone is passing by in the hall as I walk into the restroom. If I walk in and someone is at the sink, I'll walk out and go to another floor.

If someone is in the accompanying stall, I might also walk out. If I don't, the only way I stay is if I get the stall that has a solid wall on one side. Never just stall walls on either side.

Maybe it has to do with my attitude toward others. If I walk into the restroom and have to hold my breath while I pee at the urinal, and then I see the dude who has tainted the atmosphere I have to breathe, I tend to have a sense of superiority about me.

Along the lines of "Damn, something crawled up in him and DIED!"

I think that's one thing. I don't want people smelling something coming out of me. I like gas for the sound it makes and the relief it brings, not the smell. I never want anyone to smell it.

I also feel so ... defenseless.

My highest-level supervisor could be washing his hands, oblivious and aloof, but I still succumb to the numbing fear that he's going to pass by the stall door and say, "WHEW! Somebody got something that crawled up in them and DIED!"

Even if I make it in with no one spotting me, I still feel like they know who I am in there. What if I cough? You can hear someone cough and know who they are. I realized that in the restroom one time when I heard a guy cough. Forevermore, I see him as someone who has a lot of stink going on inside him.

What about when my sunglasses fall off the top of my head and onto the floor and slide over to the guy next to me? I quickly grab them, saying nothing, because I so don't want someone picking them up, handing them to me and saying, "Here you go, Eric. You dropped these."

It's my fault.

I can be sitting there, quietly, and someone busts into the stall next to me, makes a bunch of heaving sighs, pulls his pants down and explodes.

I can be sitting there, quietly, and someone will answer his cell phone.

I can be sitting there, quietly, and someone will pull off one piece of toilet paper and then flush and leave.

And each time, I sit there, smugly, shaking my head and grinning: "Damn, that guy was taking a shit."


Lampy said...

Is it just me or do many people have poop on the brain lately? ;)

Cindy-Lou said...

I don't even talk about bodily functions, so...

Tink said...

Poop, a great universal topic.

The shit on the $1 bill... Gross dude. Are you going to analyze it until you find the culprit? Take stool samples maybe?

eric said...

me ... i don't know. you might say i always do.

cindy ... what do you mean? you just did. ;)

tink ... i was told by my supervisors to tie the trash bag off, find a janitor to get it out of the building and notify the building superintendent. overkill, i know. but they made me do it. now whenever he passes by me, he asks if i need to borrow a dollar.


Spo said...

The worst is at airports - people go for unbridled pooping - just letting it all fly out at full speed - like a shotgun effect - folk spending all that time in the air - they don't want to go on the plane coz the flush always sounds so vicious and maybe, just maybe, the vaccum will suck your ass out at 40'000 feet - no way is that an option - so they build it up and the altitude changes and speeds of descent mix it all up a bit - then they land and make a break for it

it's all so anonymous - you hear some serious crimes being committed in there - multiple stalls too - like a poop orcheastra - none of this lifting one cheek to try and get a quiet one out - just full on shat-attack

then out the stalls they come - a flick of the hands under the tap and off to a far off place they go - no guilt or ascociation - and there's always a line of folk waiting - you know what ever evil you created will not go un-noticed - your fine work will be savoured by some lucky soul.

When faced with such a smell a part of me is disgusted - yet another part of me is kind of jealous - like, "that's some serious work my friend - there's something wrong with you - but well done"

dan said...

you know, there's something worse.

i'm using a neighbours computer to read a post about someone's fear of having a shit in public or works buildings and i can't delete the fucking history because he's put an admin block on the right-click. furthermore, there's a post below it about phallic my neighbour doesn't think i'm weird already..but then he is letting me use his computer...for now.

eric, you need to be proud of your shits...but just one thing:

"I can be sitting there, quietly, and someone will pull off one piece of toilet paper and then flush and leave."

does that relate to when one has to use up the produce of a small rain forest to wipe one's ass? i used to have that problem when i was drinking heavily. those bastards who can use on piece of, i'm envious.

Jay said...

I bet you have even more issues when it comes to urinals huh? I mean, if you walk in and see that the only open urinal is in between you don't use it do you? I don't. I go to another restroom.

I fact, I don't like to use the urinals at all. I don't like to stand next to another guy with my hoo-hoo hanging out. But, that's just me.

Jay said...

Damnit ... my figers go to fast for my brain. That's supposed to say "if you walk in and see that the only open urinal is between to other urinals being used".

Sorry bout that. Performance anxiety.

Jay said...

This is a whole new side of Eric...

eric said...

simon ... suffice to say i think you're capturing the spirit of what i'm saying. that anonymity is a great thing. i think a big reason i wasn't mortified when i shit my pants in florida was because i didn't live there. three hours later and i'm in a different state altogether.

dan ... if you'd like, i can write a post about how cool it is for neighbors to let neighbors use their computer. and then i can say that's my evil counterpart trying to gross everyone out. so, you're saying you're embarrassed of me? good! that's what i'm aiming for! :)

jay1 ... for whatever reason, urinals don't bother me. i think it has something to do with a.) smell and b.) sound.

jay2 ... yes. the inside. :)


Anonymous said...

oh yes, you've definitely achieved your goal :-)

Anonymous said...

futrher to that, i called in at at a wetherspoons today and some guy had shat all over the seat, but then chesterfield did kick man city's ass last night so maybe it was a statement.

eric said...

i always hate it when people blast ass everywhere.


Katherine Zander said...

I once posted a poll on an internet group I belong to about public/office restroom use and modesty.

FYI, most women will not use a restroom with other people they know in it if they know they're going to be plopping or passing lots of gas. However, they are more likely to use full public restrooms in a noisy and/or aromatic fasion if they have little chance of knowing anyone in there.

I think some sociology graduate student should take this on. For sure The Journal of Irreproducible Results would publish it.

eric said...

kz, i like that site. the graph that proves everything. they need to pass that along to all those string theory guys banging their skulls trying to figure out the "theory of everything."

but it looks like what you're saying is that i'm acting like a girl. :)

duckie, you're forgetting the most important one, though ... smell! i can only think of a clothespin for that one.


Spo said...

Hey Eric - I was centre cubicle reading the paper and the guy next door must of used half a roll - I had to pack up and leave - when I saw him at the taps I looked on him with real disdain in my eyes - he saw me - he knew what he'd done back there and he knew I knew - my look said "you should feel dirty shame"

eric said...

see, it's contagious. it'll come back to bite you. i promise. :)
