Friday, May 26, 2006

TGI ... Not Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ...

I always enjoy it when I get up early -- once I overcome the painful task of getting out of bed. There's the sun on your face, a sense of accomplishment, a feeling that somehow you are connected with a element of humanity (in fact, the whole animal kingdom) that goes on without you as you sleep.

It affords me the opportunity to get into work early. That's rewarding, too ... and peculiar.

There's a particular culture of the morning work crowd: they've endured rush-hour traffic, they're drinking coffee, their eyes are either fresher or duller depending on how much they might have had to drink the night before. The elevator even smells different.

But perhaps the most-intriguing dynamic I experience about once every few months is the perpetual fixed gaze forward to Friday.

They talk about Friday and really not much else, unless it's Monday and all they can think about is how it shouldn't and couldn't possibly be Monday.

You see, by late morning or lunchtime, they've already talked it out. A good portion of the day is behind them, so any looking back on whether they wanted to make a day of it or any looking forward to Friday is lost in the finish line they see to whatever day other than Friday it is.

Over time, I've managed to come into work early on each of the work days. I've observed fixed system to it, one that surely must be universal.

"What's happening with you, man?"
"Ohhhhhhhh ... Mun Day."
"Did you have a good weekend?"

"Hey, how's it going?"
"Oh man, if I can just get to Wednesday."

"Hey ... there."
"Wednesday, you know. Hump day. We're almost there."
"Mmm, hmm."

"Jesus! I've had a week that won't quit! You know? What the fuck is up with this place? I come into this pit of despair every goddamn day. And why? For what? Just fucking shoot me, all right? In the head, OK, pal? So it's quick. At least tommorow's Friday."
"I hear you."

"Hey, how's it going?"
"Oh, it's Friday."
"I know, right? What are you going to do this weekend?

I need to get up early more often.


dan said...

some people spend friday, saturday and sunday night getting wasted, then it takes until wednesday to get over it.

it's far better to get wasted every day and night and never get sober enough to feel shitty, although this system can have adverse effects on bowel function which is shitty in itself but you're too wasted to realise it unless you follow through, in which case it literally does become shitty.

being involuntarily hedonistic, most days i don't actually know what day it is until somebody calls me and tells me i should be somewhere where i'm not.

alernatively, it's best to see monday as "thank fuck it's monday or i'd die from drug and alcohol poisoning if i had any more weekend."

Tink said...

Isn't that the TRUTH?! I think I'm one of those with the "perpetual fixed gaze forward to Friday." Thank you. You've made me realize how unoriginal I've become. When anyone asks me how I am, I'm going to start answering, "Eh. It's 2006 ya know. I'll be happy when it's 07 already."

eric said...

dan, that's a way to see the silver lining, old chap! "Purge Monday."

tink, i say all this with the underlying feeling that i really respect all the people who get up early. and, it seems that a lot of times these might be the people who actually work hard, which i don't.

"how's it going?"
"oh, this generation is soooo fuct. i can't wait until it's 2050."

screetus ... i wish i were motivated enough to work for myself. as it stands, i simply try to manipulate the system to make it as close to working for myself as possible.
