Saturday, January 23, 2010

In The Year ...

So what are we going to do now?




The answer for me is in the answer to this question: What are we going to do for the next 1,000 years?

Seriously, we've got to think ahead. I'm sure they'll look back at this little speck of a decade and say, "Did they really think we were going to call it the year Two-Thousand-One-Hundred-And-Seventy-Three?"

And "Oh-10?" Let's look beyond ourselves here. There are entire centuries ahead of us.

In fact, by the time the 2100s make their presence known, it'll just be a matter of "back in '73."

So -- for me -- "Twenty-Ten" it is.

And who said you need those images of the great, expanding universe to make you feel insignificant?

That's what mathematical linguistic semantics are for.


dan said...

it depends how tired i am, but if i'm wide awake, it's two thousand and ten.

having said that, i really think by counting things in years and months, even days and minutes, seconds, creates the impression that time is stitched together, when it isn't.

time is seamless. we can try and measure it but we can't even do that perfectly, hence leap years.

the only purpose the calendar has is reminding us when some bad shit happened.

eric said...

or birthdays and other happy occasions???? :)

i've been saying both lately which is weird, but i'm definitely a twenty ten believer.

dan said...

ha! well, i walked right into that one :-)

i guess i am the eternal pessimist.