Monday, September 19, 2005

Too Much Protein, Not Enough SUGAH!

Die.....die......die......why......lie naked on the floor
And let the messiah go through our souls,
Lie naked on the floor and let the messiah
Go all through our souls, die, like a motherfucker,
Die, like a motherfucker, die, like a motherfucker,
Why, like a motherfucker!!!,
I WANT TO ... FUCK ... MY ... Way to the garden!,
Cause ... everyone... NEEDS ... a ... Mother, FUCKER!


Every now and then, your mind decides to take a little step back and observe with a clear, calm, discerning perspective what exactly it's absorbing at the moment.

I sit.
In my desolate room.
No lights.
No music.
i've killed everyone.
i'm away forever.


And, it has to wonder: "Am I eating a nutritious breakfast?"


dan said...

...maybe we're already harmed.

"Scratch my leg with a rusty nail, sadly it heals
Colour my hair but the dye grows out
I can’t seem to stay a fixed ideal
Childhood pictures redeem, clean and so serene
See myself without running lines
Whole days throwing sticks into streams
I have crawled so far sideways
I recognise dim traces of creation
I wanna die, die in the summertime
The hole in my life even stains the soil
My heart shrinks to barely a pulse
A tiny animal curled into a quarter circle
If you really care wash the feet of a beggar"

interesting question you pose.

Cindy-Lou said...

I bet that guy harms himself and likes it. A lot.

Spo said...

that man scares me! he needs fruit in his life!

Katherine Zander said...

Thanks for the wake-up call. No more Lucky Charms for me!

dan said...

i have no idea what i'm talking about. but it wan't nuritious breakfasts i'm sure.

good call, eric, you sunnerver

eric said...

that guy's daron malakian, the guitarist from system of a down. his appearance mirrors what i was listening to the other night when i decided to trip out on some of the crazy stuff i listen to sometimes.

i mean, what the hell are they doing? and more importantly, is this good for brain?

same goes for a lot of things, i guess. ;)


dan said...

what IS breakfast anyway?

Jay said...

Digging the blue eyeshadow though...apparently he got makeup application lessons from a dragqueen...dudes who wear makeup just don't do it subtly!

Rusty said...

Thanks for answering my question about who it was. I think he probably prefers nail-guns.

Krista said...

Great band, SOAD is.
My blog is baaaack it's back!

eric said...

dan, you seriously don't know what breakfast is? that's when you brits have your morning tea and scones or whatever crazy shit you guys eat over there when the sun rises.

breaking your fast. breakfast.

jay, i know what you mean. my mascara is CAKED on. ;)

rusty, i don't know about nail guns, but he does play the guitar with a dildo sometimes.

krista, i kept my link up in case you reconsidered. when i saw the hot lesbian porn action or whatever, i pulled it. i see to getting it back up.
